Saturday 8 January 2011

lost and found.

The great thing about travelling with an iPhone is, it makes route planning extremely easy. Without the iPhone, I would have been gotten terribly lost and the only uncharted thing about situations like these would have been the stress levels.

It is only bad when you do want to get lost, to meander, to stumble through the city, to not want to follow the routes taken by the Google van. Or see things the Google van did not see. (2 glaring opportunities here, each sitting on extreme ends : 1) Google Maps to publish their own Google van  guides or 2) Someone else to publish the the Anti Google Van travel guide. I will take my usual 10%, thanks.)

So I turned my iPhone off with the deliberate attempt to get very lost. In return, I discovered that Vienna is very small, it is possible to walk in any random direction and hit an underground station, and there are at least a couple of Banksys in the city. 

Nice find.

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