Friday 29 October 2010

jam session.

Hannah offered to show me how to make jam in my last few weeks. So I took a day off from the bakery to make jam at Louis. Talk about a sweet ending.

These were all the different ones we made on that single day. Most of the fruit had to be frozen  so they didn't go bad before we got to them. There is just so much fruit around and not enough time to process.

At the end of it, we probably made at least 60 bottles of jam out of all that fruit.

The more the fruit and sugar is cooked, the more treacle-ly it gets. To make sure the taste of the fruit is obvious, either add less sugar or cook it less.

Victoria plums.
The stones are put in the muslin and cooked together to provide the pectin it needs to set.


Red currants.


Warm the bottle and pour in the jam.
it should bubble up from the heat.

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