Saturday 11 December 2010

it's time for me to produce.

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After the months of eating, it is time to turn the tasting notes into notes about the real food producers. It's time for me to grow some food thoughts.

This was never to be a food trip only in terms of eating all things good, wonderful and new but also one where I could get into the inner circle of farmers and primary food producers, to have a taste of the way they make real, authentic, honest, clean food.

It is possible to still have access to these because of a few key principles :
  • Growing food the same way since time begun is uncomplicated because it is working with natural elements rather than against it.
  • It is even simpler when producers choose to do it the way it ought to be done rather than any commercial or industrial way.  They have a choice. As Michael Pollan has recently said in Newsweek ("Divided We Eat"), there are wealthy farmers feeding the poor crap and there are very poor farmers feeding high-quality food.
  • Doing it the right way is not just good for the end product but it is good for the land, the animals, the people who eat it and anything else linked to it.
  • Working with what little they have often means working with the basics.
  • All these mean hard work but paradoxically, it produces the simple and honest food. 
Bill Bernbach said 'A principle is not a principle until it costs you money’. Producers bleed money everyday because of the way they choose to do things.

Thank god for principles. Thank god for farmers and producers who have principles. When you're next paying for something good but costs more, think of how much more it is costing the people who made it.

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