Wednesday 17 November 2010

on earth as it is in Tavern.

If you think the tavern is too good to be true, it is.

If you think there must be a clean up crew hiding somewhere to tidy up the place after, there is none.

In the 5 days I have been there, each time hoping I am the only one who have found the place and have it all to myself, I have only to be disappointed. There is always a table or two of visitors.  Going by the number of notes left behind, there have been plenty more. Yet, the place has stayed tidy and clean. People who come here seem to make the effort to keep it so.

Proof that thousands have been here - the wall is tacked several layers deep with all sorts of notes - from saying who they are, thank yous, how much they love the place to accounting for how much they have eaten.
The most important thing to remember and take away from this place, is summed up in  the postscript of this note written by the host who is never there :

"Questo posto e nelle mani di chi lo frequenza."
("This place is in the hands of those who frequent it.")

If the thousands of people who have been to the tavern can keep it the way it was found, why couldn't it happen on a bigger scale? Why shouldn't it?

If only we remember that we are but guests here...

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