Monday 8 November 2010

ashamed of my roots.

I've been going for cheap haircuts. Needless to say, they are not very good. Especially when it comes to bone straight Asian hair.

The Polish lady I had did more of a chop than a crop. Instead of seeing red, I saw white. Lots of it. Not random strands that present themselves every now and then for a quick game of pick and nip. These were strands in close proximity to one another, obviously starting a revolution, convincing the rest that white is the new black.

I have a feeling these renegades have been lying low underneath my mushroom head all this while, waiting for the right moment to jump out for a shock takeover. Mission accomplished. I was stunned, suddenly felt very aware of how old I am this year and even more conscious of how much of it is showing.

I've always felt too sane, too level-headed, as if there was an old soul stuck inside of my body. How did I suddenly go from being too old for my age to being my age.

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