Tuesday 27 July 2010

i am a cutter

It was a difficult one, trying to decide if it was better to be called Slash or a Cutter.

Lucky for me , they both have the same dramatic effect.

Between the baguettes being laid on the setter and them being loaded into the oven, there is about 45secs. In which time, up to 20 baguettes need to be cut. It has to be done fast and it has to be done right.

Even though they are worlds apart, I postulate some similarities between me slashing the dough as a wannabe baker and a have-to-be cutter : 

Pre-task, there is shaking involved no matter how many times this has been done.
Step up, you can do this.
Find a clean corner of the blade.  Please don't snag.
A swift and determined move is required.
One hit.
Doubling back is not an option.
Focus, focus, focus. 
Blade meets skin.
Are you ready? / What are you doing? 
Go away. Don't rush me / I'm busy.
Please God, let no one be watching. 
Go, go, go.
That's it. That's how it's supposed to feel. Remember this feeling.
Can't stop now. Keep going.
There is satisfaction in feeling some resistance on the blade.
Snap out of the trance. It's real time.
Blood rushes.
Vision circle widens.
See the whole picture.
Stand back in wonderment. 
Is that what I just did?

I suspect this is the closest I will ever get to being a cutter.

Probably a very good thing.

Baguettes sitting in dusted linen, keeping their shape.
Right after they have been cut on the setter.
Twisted reality.
Or more like twisted imagination for thinking I am anything close to being a cutter.

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